Hello World with Python

Today's project is from a simple Hello World tutorial for Python from The Getting Started with Raspberry Pi book by Matt Richardson and Shawn Wallace.

Project Type: Coding
Software: IDLE 3
OS: Raspian
Kits/Part Source: Raspberry Pi B Starter Kit
Project Source: The Getting Started with Raspberry Pi book by Matt Richardson and Shawn Wallace.

So I've never played with Python before and The Getting Started with Raspberry Pi book gave me a good opportunity to check it out. It turns out Python is pretty simple and the book is a great introduction to it.

1-10 Ratings

IKEA Rating - 10
Everything in the lesson was as easy as the instructions led me to believe.
There were no missing instructions or information left out. In fact, I found there was an abundance of relevant explanations in the lesson.

Mr. Wizard Rating - 10
I learned how to do the standard Hello World in Python with IDLE 3 and how to execute the script from terminal.

What mistakes did I make?
The book had instructions to save the script in the home directiory but because I am stupid, I saved it in a folder I made. That mistake led to me not being able to run the script from Terminal.

Do I recommend this tutorial?
Yup. Super easy. Great way to dip your toe into the Python pool.