Klingon Invaders

I made a Space Invaders type game but with a Star Trek theme.
This is based on project from the book Getting Started with Raspberry Pi by Matt Richardson and Shawn Wallace.

Star Trek game

Star Trek game

Project Type: Coding
Software: Scratch 1.4
OS: OSX 10.10
Project Source: Getting Started with Raspberry Pi by Matt Richardson and Shawn Wallace

I didn't have the sprites that the project called for so I improvised by downloading some picture from the internet and making my own.

Picture of a Star Ship was turned into a sprite inside the Scratch Editor

Star Trek sprite costumes

Star Trek sprite costumes

Custom made Star Trek sprites

Custom made Star Trek sprites

I was also able to find a photon torpedo sound effect and an explosion sound effect to round out the game.

1-10 Ratings

IKEA Rating - 10
This project was super easy. The trick was tweeking it to fit the Star Trek theme.

Tony Stark Rating - 0
Zero skills need for this one. Scratch is an app designed to teach kids programing after all.

Mr. Wizard Rating - 10
I never really dove into Scratch before so it was fun learning how it works.

Do I recommend this tutorial?
Yes. If you are planning to work with kids on how to code, this is a great one for you.

Check out the actual project tutorial/instructions in the book Getting Started with Raspberry Pi by Matt Richardson and Shawn Wallace